Our Commitment

We provide a safe, nurturing and developmentally appropriate learning environment for children.

Active Learning

We provide student with many hands-on activities in an outdoor classroom environment.

CCTV Surveillance

With CCTV cameras and locked doors, we offer peace of mind to all the students.

Sports Activities

Regular physical activity can help students to stay healthy & avoid unwanted illness.

About Us

Why Choose Us?

At the Govt Model Sanskriti Senior Secondary School, we help the children to tap their hidden potential by exposing them to diverse opportunities and a large number of activities. The state board based, liberal education also helps them to rise above parochial mindsets and acquire a truly international outlook. In addition to this, children are trained to learn more by doing things themselves and trying out new ideas, taking failure and success in their stride, with all their energies focused on honest and purposeful effort.

Govt. Model Sanskriti Sr. Sec. School, Model Town, Sonipat – a magical place for young minds bristling with excitement, full of imagination and possibility. We pride ourselves on being able to provide a happy, safe and inclusive environment and encouraged to explore their potential!

Intellectual Development

Cultural Development

Sports Activities

Competitive Environment

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