
Rules & Regulations


  • Students must be on time as per the timings given in School Almanac. Students must reach school five minutes before the first bell.
  • They must wear proper school uniform along with the I-Card.
  • They must reach their classes as soon as the bell rings after recess.
  • No student is permitted to leave the school during working hours. In emergency cases, they may be allowed to go after the permission of the Principal.
  • Students are expected to behave with decorum and to play due respect to the faculty and subordinate officials.
  • Loud taking, loitering in corridors being source of disturbance and annoyance to others is not permitted.
  • Students have to attend the classes regularly to the extent of minimum 75% and no relaxation in time and attendance shall be permitted.
  • Parents and guardians are not permitted to go into the class rooms during working hours.
  • Students are normally not allowed to take leave for more than two days. If they need more leave, they will have to apply in advance and obtain prior written permission of the Principal.
  • The parents will undertake to attend meetings organized by the school in their interest and in the welfare of the children.
  • The name of the students who remain habitually absent or who do not take interest or remain absent from the school continuously for six days without any genuine reasons, may be struck off the roll. Such students may not be re-admitted. The decision of the Principal will be final.
  • However, for offences of slightly serious nature, students are given the warning and if still he continues with his misbehavior, parents are called. Corporal punishment in any form is strictly forbidden.
  • Parents or guardians' efforts will be appreciated if they allow their wards to participate in all the school activities, curricular as well as extracurricular including social camps, tours, treks and short visits to places for practical knowledge.
  • School property should be treated as own property and should not be damaged. Anyone who sees something damaged should report the matter even if one does not know who has damaged it.
  • Money should not be lent or borrowed or articles exchanged. It is not advisable to bring valuables like costly watches or pens or ornaments. For any goods lost, one can inquire from the Lost and Found section.
  • Bicycles must be kept locked. Students should not ride around the school ground on bicycles.
  • A student who has been suffering from any infectious or contagious disease will not be allowed to attend the school unless a certificate is furnished from a medical authority that he / she is free from infection.
  • Parents are expected to co-operate in the smooth functioning of the school by enforcing discipline regularly and by taking general interest in their wards' progress. They should check the diary regularly to note the teachers' remark etc. They are further requested to visit the school from time to time to assess the progress of their ward.
  • Students are strictly prohibited to carry cell phones or bikes without licence to the school. This will help to ward off any untoward incident taking place in the school hours while they are away from the family.
  • In case of any suggestion, the parents or guardians can write and drop in the suggestion box of the school. Decision taken on the basis of suggestion must be abided by the parents.
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